EPA Environmental Education Grants
Posted by on June 14, 2002
EPA Environmental Education Grants
The Environmental Education Grants Program provides financial support for projects which design, demonstrate, or disseminate environmental education practices, methods or techniques. This program is authorized under Section 6 of the National Environmental Education Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-619). Congress has appropriated approximately $11 million for this grant program over the past four years (between $2.5 and $2.9 million per year from FY 1992 through FY 1995). EPA Headquarters awards approximately $1 million in grant funds per year and each of EPA’s ten regional offices award approximately $300,000 per year. The average regional grant is approximately $5,000.
The purpose of the Environmental Education Grants Program is to increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues, and to provide the public with the skills needed to make informed decisions and to take responsible actions. Environmental education enhances critical-thinking, problem-solving, and effective decision-making skills. It also teaches individuals to weigh various sides of an environmental issue to make informed and responsible decisions.
EPA strongly encourages applicants to demonstrate or disseminate existing environmental curricula rather than designing new curricula. Only environmental education projects will be funded, not projects that are solely designed to develop or disseminate environmental information. (Deadline to apply for 2003 grants: November 15, 2002.)
For assistance in writing grant proposals, see EPA’s On-Line Grant Writing Tutorial. For more information on Region 3’s Environmental Grants Program , call (215) 814-5546 or check out the information at the HQ EPA page.
Nationally, to receive a copy of 2002 solicitation please mail your request to:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Education Grants Program (FY 1999)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (MC1704)
Washington, D.C. 20460
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