Environmental Leadership Program Offers Fellowships
Posted by on June 14, 2002
[RFP Bulletin]
Environmental Leadership Program Offers Fellowships
Deadline: October 1, 2002
The Environmental Leadership Program (ELP), a nonprofit center for leadership development within the environmental field, works to strengthen the environmental movement by addressing the leadership development and training needs of its emerging professionals.
The ELP Fellowship is a national program designed to build the leadership capacity of the environmental field’s most promising emerging professionals from the United States and U.S. territories. The three-year fellowship provides training, project support, and a peer network to 25 talented and diverse individuals each year from all sectors of the environmental field, including nonprofits, business, government, and higher education. Fellows receive a $2,000 participation stipend; travel and accommodations for four fellowship retreats; access to funding for leadership-building projects; and national recognition through the program.
Applicants should be relatively new to the environmental field, with approximately three to ten years of professional experience or post-undergraduate academic studies.
Applicants must be residents of the United States or U.S. territories. As part of its goal to promote diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, values, traditions, and issue expertise in the environmental field, ELP seeks individuals from across a broad spectrum of backgrounds and professional experience.
Visit the ELP Web site for complete program and application information.
RFP Link: http://www.elpnet.org/home.html
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