Environmental Justice Funding
Posted by on November 22, 2002
Environmental Justice Small Grants Program
The purpose of this grant program is to provide financial assistance to eligible community groups (i.e. community-based, grassroots organizations, churches or other non-profits) with a focus on community-based issues and federally recognized tribal governments that are working on or plan to carry out projects to address environmental justice issues. Preference for awards will be given to community-based/grasroots orgnaizations that are working on solutions to local environmental problems. Funds can be used to develop a new activity or improve the quality of existing programs that have a direct impact on affected communities. If you wish to be placed on the mailing list to receive infomration on the FYF 2004 Environmental Justice Small Grants Program, e-mail your request along with your name, organization, address and phone number to below address.
Application deadline: December 18, 2002
For more information please contact:
U.S. Environmenal Protection Agency, Environmental Justice Small Grants Program, FY 2004 Grants Mailing List
Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460
[email protected]
Visit their website: www.ncrc.org
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