Engaging Families and the Community as an Alternative to Expulsion
Posted by on May 06, 2013
Solutions to the Dropout Crisis
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Engaging Families and the Community as an Alternative to Expulsion: An Innovative Approach to Dropout Prevention
presented by Karen Cooper-Haber
Learn about an effective alternative to suspensions and expulsions
Discover the important support roles that family therapists can play
There is a large body of research that supports the importance of the family to the child’s or adolescent’s success in school. There is also growing awareness of the importance of providing prevention and intervention strategies for students who are at risk of being suspended, expelled, or of becoming disengaged from the educational process for social or emotional reasons. This presentation provides an overview of one South Carolina school district’s efforts to focus on the family in dealing with discipline problems and providing alternatives to expulsion through employing family therapists in delivering multisystemic prevention and intervention services.
Supplementary materials and all necessary information about participating fully in this professional development opportunity are found on our Web site . If you have any further questions, feel free to contact the National Dropout Prevention Center at [email protected] or 864-656-2580.
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