Education Grants in Math, Science, and Technology
Posted by on June 14, 2002
[RFP Bulletin]
FirstEnergy Offers Education Grants in Math, Science, and Technology
Deadline: October 1, 2002
Ohio-based FirstEnergy Corp. offers mathematics, science, and technology grants to encourage teachers and students to create innovative school projects.
Grants up to $500 are available to educators, administrators, and youth group leaders in pre-K-12 schools in areas served by FirstEnergy’s electric utility operating companies — Ohio Edison, the Illuminating Company, and Toledo Edison in Ohio; Pennsylvania Electric, Metropolitan Edison, and Penn Power in Pennsylvania; and Jersey Central Power & Light in New Jersey — and in communities where the companies have facilities.
Any original project or program dealing with mathematics, science, and technology will be considered, including local teacher professional development initiatives.
Grant applications are available at all FirstEnergy walk-in customer service offices; FirstEnergy’s Web site; or by calling FirstEnergy’s Community Initiatives Department.
FirstEnergy’s Community Initiatives Department
Tel: (330) 384-5022
RFP Link:
(Under “Education”)
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