Economic Disparity Forum Videos and Slides
Posted by Social Innovation Partners on July 21, 2020
Strategies of Philadelphia’s Institutional Leadership and Social Entrepreneurs to address underlying issues of Economic Disparities and move individuals and families out of Poverty.
View the videos and slides from the economic disparity forum. They can also be found on our website Social Innovations Partners.
To take a deep dive into the issues, please read the our journal edition Social Mobility: Inspiring and Building the Capacity of Local Change Agents to Impact Poverty.
Dr. Guy Generals, President of Community College of Philadelphia discusses An Eco-System for a Poverty Action Plan: re-imagining, innovating and a call to action –
Bryan Wilkerson, Fels Institute of Government, conducts an analysis and provides recommendations to Philadelphia’s Poverty Action Plan –
Malik Brown, Executive Director of Graduate! Philadelphia talks about alternative learning pathways toward Economic Opportunity –
Diane Cornman-Levy, Executive Director of WOMEN’S WAY discusses strategies to advance the Economic Security of Women Through Equitable Community Engagement Practices –
David Castro: Executive Director, I-LEAD discusses strategies to engage, enroll, and graduate non traditional college bound individuals with the intellectual aptitude from college –
Fred Amrein, Founder CEO, Pay for Ed discuss a tool to inform parents and caregivers on the affordability of college and making informed decisions –
Eric Schuner, Founder/CEO Virtuous discusses post secondary and other public good financing strategies –
Carniesha Kwashie, Director, Job Opportunity Investment Network and Nikia Owens, Managing Director, Financial Empowerment discuss the failures of a deficit system in fighting poverty and strategies to address the gaps –
Michael Clark, Partner, Social Innovations Partners Ranks Greater Philadelphia College Rankings by Social Mobility, Graduation, and Affordability Data –
Sylvie Gallier Howard: Acting Director of Commerce, City of Philadelphia discusses the strategy of supporting small businesses, employment, and jobs –
Jill Fink, Executive Director of The Merchants Fund discusses strategies to fund Micro Businesses and Entrepreneurs of Color as a strategy of recovery and inclusive economic growth –
Amy Carroll-Scott, Associate Professor Department of Community Health & Prevention and Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health discusses the Importance of a Place-based and Community-Moderated System of Research Oversight to Maximize Benefits for Social Change –
H. Patrick Clancy, President and CEO, Philadelphia Works discusses strategies to build a skilled and thriving workforce pre and post COVID-19 –
More in "New Resources"
- New Book: STEM Smart Parenting
- Federal Work-Study Partnership Toolkit for Districts and Nonprofits
- Want to stay healthier and fulfilled later in life? Try volunteering
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