ECO-Action Training the Trainer Series

Posted by on January 23, 2004

[posted from Comm-Org]

From: "Yomi Noibi" <[email protected]>

Hello Friends:

ECO-ACTION is accepting application for Training The Trainer Series Class of 2004. Find attached training information and application form, which are also contained below the line in this email. Please share information with other groups and individuals that may be interested in this training. Deadline for submitting application is February 12, 2004. If you have any question about the training, please call me at 404-584-6499 or email me at [email protected].

Thank you for your cooperation.


Yomi Noibi
Director of Training
Environmental Community Action Inc.
44 Broad Street, Suite 711
Atlanta, GA 30303

Email: [email protected]


WHAT Training the Trainer Series is a year-long, four (4) weekend seminar, leadership development learning initiative for social change, which has been offered since 1999. The training is designed to deepen participants? consciousness for social justice and strengthen their capacity to transfer learning to others as part of a broader social movement for positive social change. WHO Members/staff of community-based groups, youth groups, environmental/social justice groups and other people working for positive social change. HOW TO APPLY If you want to participate in Training the Trainer Series, Class of 2004, please call or email for a application*: [email protected] or 404-584-6499. In submitting an application form on or before February 12, 2004 you agree to:

? Attend all four seminars beginning with Seminar I, March 26-28, 2004, in Atlanta.
? Pay training fee of Seven hundred dollars ($700.00) on a sliding for training materials, lodging, meals for each seminar per person. Groups with annual budget of less than $200,000 will be required to submit a budget or financial statement in order to qualify for the sliding scale fee.
? Plan and implement Seminar IV in order to demonstrate transfer
of learning by teaching.
? Provide your own transportation to training site or carpool with other participants.
? Participate in oral/written interview and evaluation of training.
? Commit to transfer what you have learned to other people.
? Willingness to be open in working with a diverse group of individuals.

* Where applicable, see application form in attachment or next page and you may visit ECO-Action?s website (<a href=""></a>) for additional information.

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