Doctors in Parks: A Prescription for Health
Posted by on April 09, 2012
The NRPA/NASPD/NPS Children in Nature Committee Presents a Free Webinar
Doctors in Parks: A Prescription for Health
A free webinar for parks and health professionals, and anyone supporting physical activity for health.
Thursday, April 19th, 2012, 2:00pm – 3:15pm EDT
Webinar Registration:
An increasing number of pediatricians and physicians are recognizing the exceptional health benefits of using parks and trails to improve one’s health. Park Prescriptions for Health is a concept that links the healthcare system with parks, trails, and public lands to create healthier people and communities. The notion of prescribing parks for health offers affordable, accessible health benefits to people of all ages, abilities and incomes, and it delivers outstanding results in promoting healthy behaviors and preventing chronic disease conditions.
The following presenters will discuss innovative ideas and programs that are being implemented around the country to connect doctors to the public in parks and to encourage them to prescribe the use of parks, trails and public lands for physical activity as a means to improve health. This lively and informative webinar will connect the parks community with the medical community in ground-breaking ways. If you are interested in learning more about how to connect physicians, parks, non-profit organizations and volunteers in creative ways to promote physical activity in parks, this webinar will be an invaluable tool.
Dr. Maria Brown, pediatrician and pediatrics instructor from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, MD
Dr. David Sabgir, cardiologist and founder of Walk With a Doc, Columbus, OH
Jean Rystrom, health care administrator for Kaiser Permanente, Portland, OR
Terry Bergerson, outdoor recreation planner for the Oregon Department of Parks & Recreation, Salem, OR
This free webinar is co-hosted and sponsored by the Children in Nature Committee, a partnership of the National Recreation and Park Association, the National Association of State Park Directors, and the National Park Service. The committee works to see this nation’s children and their families again fully participating in outdoor recreation activities and rediscovering their natural and cultural heritage while enhancing their fitness and health. Special thanks to US Dept of Health and Human Services Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) program, for their support.
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