Developing Regional Collaborations
Posted by on July 30, 2007
Notice of Funding Availability
Developing Regional Collaborations
We are pleased to announce funding availability through the PA/NY Campus Compact Consortium, Building on Our Strengths, funded through Learn & Serve America. This initiative seeks to encourage institutional change which supports service-learning, capacity-building both within institutions of higher education and their community partners, and community development focused on disadvantaged youth. As two of the larger state Campus Compacts, we are eager to provide opportunities for networking and "multiplier effects" among our members.
Funding will be available for:
Developing Regional Collaborations
The PA/NY Campus Compact Consortium specifically seeks funding applications from regions that are in the early stages of collaboration at the regional level in the area of service-learning. The work of the developing regional collaborations is to begin to build the capacity of a region to institutionalize service-learning on their campuses and in the community. Funding from this initiative can support a variety of activities, including, but not limited to: faculty service-learning stipends, regional networking, regional meetings, conferences and/or symposiums, and community partner development.
We expect to award three Developing Regional Collaborations. Award amounts are expected to range between $10,000 and $15,000.
Request for proposals will be available on July 31, 2007.
Outlined below is general information about the funding availability.
Award Information
Subgrants will be awarded to regional geographic networks with at least two Campus Compact member institutional partners, with the goal of embedding service-learning in urban, suburban and rural communities through collaborative efforts. Funds may be used to for, but not limited to: regional network meetings, faculty stipends, regional conferences, symposiums and community partner development. Subgrants will range from $10,000 to $15,000. Subgrantees will be required to demonstrate a 1:1 match for their awards in the first year (November 15, 2007 to August 31, 2008). At least on half of the match must be in cash. Subgrants are renewable for an additional 12 months contingent upon continuation of federal grant funding and fulfillment of project work plans. Second year funding will include an increased match at 1:2.
Applications will be accepted from Campus Compact member institutions in good standing in Pennsylvania and New York.
A collaboration of at least two higher education institutions in the region that are Campus Compact members constitutes an eligible collaboration for the purposes of this grant. Involvement of other institutions in the area is strongly encouraged.
Regional Collaboration Development Subgrants will be awarded based on the following criteria: collaborative approach, high/increased quality and impact, sustainability, development of community partners, student development, faculty development, institutional/organizational climate and capacity, evaluation, use of funds, and innovation. Specifics regarding these criteria will be included in the RFP.
All applicants are encouraged to read and review Honnet and Poulsen?s, ?Principles of Good Practice for Combining Service and Learning: A Wingspread Special Report? offer guiding principles to inform project proposals.
July 31, 2007 RFP available
September 14, 2007 Proposals due
October 19, 2007 Notifications to all applicants regarding selections
November 12-14, 2007 Required Subgrant Meeting in Allentown, PA
November 15, 2007 Project start date
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