CUMU members respond to COVID-19
Posted by Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities on April 14, 2020
These are truly unprecedented and challenging times. Our lives and communities have been dramatically changed in just a few short weeks. CUMU members are adapting to new challenges, developing solutions in collaboration with partners, being responsive to the needs of their region, and supporting our students in every way—in essence, serving as the anchors we are. This month, we highlight just a few ways CUMU members are advancing their place-based missions in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Data science major prints masks for health care workers | Stockton University
- Army of volunteers is creating 5,000 plastic face shields a day for use by clinicians | Johns Hopkins University
- University of Chicago announces programs to support South Side during COVID-19 crisis | University of Chicago
- Faculty in hands-on disciplines get creative with remote learning plans | Worcester State University
- Supply chain expert offers tips to business owners | Governors State University
- Offering “Drive-in WiFi” for students with limited internet access| Sacramento State
- Medical School Students are staffing hospital’s Coronavirus hotline | Loyola University Chicago
- Researchers developing real-time COVID-19 diagnostic tests | IUPUI
- Medical College of Wisconsin’s philanthropic arm announced $5 million in grants to support state response to virus| Medical College of Wisconsin
- University of Michigan Dearborn researching stressors and joys of people 60+ during the pandemic | University of Michigan Dearborn
- York International introduces Virtual Coffee Chats to build community | York University
- Center for Vector-Borne Disease shifts work to COVID-19 screenings, testing | University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
If you, your campus, or your institutes, centers, programs, and initiatives have news you want shared, email [email protected]. We’ll add it to our newsroom story and share via Twitter.
More in "New Resources"
- Federal Work-Study Partnership Toolkit for Districts and Nonprofits
- Want to stay healthier and fulfilled later in life? Try volunteering
- Civil rights groups say push to dismantle Education Department will undo hard-won gains
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