CSU Community Engagement’s 3-Part Webinar Series – Webinar Recordings, Slides, Resources, Evaluation
Posted by The California State University on May 26, 2020
Our 3-part webinar series focused on Creating Virtual and Remote Service-Learning Experiences. Each session was 1-hour and featured a panel of experts representing a wide array of disciplines and expertise in online learning formats and e-service learning. Higher education instructors and students around the world recently made a rapid transition to remote teaching and learning. As we prepare more thoughtfully for Summer and Fall 2020, we now ask “How do we create virtual or remote Service Learning experiences that meet requirements?” Together we outlined how the key components of service-learning pedagogy (e.g., preparation, action, reflection, evaluation) can be adapted to online environments.
The three-part webinar series focused on:
- developing an online/remote learning experiential education course (predominantly focused on service learning, but other experiential programs may benefit); Password: 2Z!5.2?8.
- embedding remote SL experiences that are responsive to community needs; Password: 7w%x4.5^
- designing critical reflection activities in virtual learning settings, Password: 4u&L4BoL
Other resources:
- Webinar Series Evaluation (5 mins) – as we work to be responsive to the needs across the CSU and California, we hope you will take 5-minutes to complete this brief survey and let us know what worked well and what we could do better in the future.
- Slides and Resources – resources and slides from the series can be found on this google folder.
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