CSD/Scholars In Service to PA Summer Institute
Posted by on May 29, 2012
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Scholars in Service to PA Summer Institute
Attention all Community Service and Service Learning Administrators and Faculty!
The Scholars in Service to Pennsylvania program presents… 2012 Summer Institute
The Scholars in Service to PA Summer Institute will bring together community service and service-learning professionals from across the state. The institute is designed to focus on building skills and techniques for volunteer training, group facilitation, and student development. Check back for more details.
Date: July 17-18, 2012
Location: Sheetz Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence, Altoona, PA
The Summer Institute will take place at the Sheetz Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence, part of Penn State University – Altoona. While the primary audience will be those administering the Scholars in Service to Pennsylvania AmeriCorps Program, all other Community Service and Service-Learning professionals are encouraged to attend for a modest fee which covers all meals and materials. Workshops will focus on a range of topics, not all of which will be specific to AmeriCorps.
Register here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFZjLW1CQzJWZ29QSU1qcmpJR01Td1E6MA#gid=0
Lodging: We have a room block at the Courtyard at Marriott in Altoona for $99/night for the night of July 17. You can reserve a room in our block by clicking this link: http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/AOOCY?groupCode=SFUSFUA&app=resvlink&fromDate=7/17/12&toDate=7/18/12. You can also call 814-312-1800 and reference “Saint Francis University” for the discounted rate.
Agenda: The agenda is still being finalized but we will begin on Tues. at 11 AM (Registration) followed by lunch at noon and sessions beginning at 12:45 PM. There will be a group dinner on Tues. evening at 6:30 PM. Wednesday will begin at 9 AM and conclude by 4:00 PM.
Understanding the AmeriCorps National Performance Measures
Best Practices of Volunteer Recruitment & Management
The LIFT Model
Best Practices for AmeriCorps Position Descriptions
Using Federal Work Study to Enhance your Service Program
Documenting Student & Community Impact
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