Crowdsourcing Change

Posted by on November 29, 2010

Net Tuesday event discusses ‘crowdsourcing’ change

On December 7th, Philly Net Tuesday will repeat a popular past format, Crowdsourcing Change, a highly participatory event where attendees (the crowd) provide constructive feedback and advice to help two or three “social changers” who are using –or trying to use — the social web to advance their cause or project.

The event begins at 6pm at the Friends Center, 1501 Cherry Street in Philadelphia, and will be streamed live on the Internet, with a Twitter backchannel, so participation and feedback can come from anywhere.

Focusing on real-world projects, attendees benefit by sharing and learning how various social web tools (like Twitter, Facebook, blogs, podcasting, mobile tech, etc.) can work best with particular situations. Participants don’t need to be an “expert”, but their presence and perspective are important, and they have the opportunity to have a real impact on meaningful projects.

RSVP here.

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