Credit Counts Workshop on Free Credit Reports
Posted by on September 30, 2005
Why Pay More? Credit Counts, Know Your Score!
Your credit score is a report card for adults. It tells how well you pay your bills. A high credit score means you pay lower rates for things like a car loan, auto insurance, a mortgage or a credit card.
Beginning September 1, 2005, thanks to new federal regulations, you are entitled to free credit reports. But you have to pay to get your credit score. And you?re on your own trying to figure out what the information and score mean.
Attend a free Credit Counts Workshop sponsored by Wachovia.
? File for your Credit Report and get your Score for FREE
? Find out how to interpret the numbers
? Learn how to improve your Credit Score
You must attend a workshop to receive help getting a credit report and to obtain your credit score for FREE.
Beware of ads that ask you to PAY to get your credit reports and score. There is only ONE central source for you to get free credit reports.
Sponsored by: Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition, Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Delaware Valley, and The Campaign for Working Families. Wachovia is proud to support the Credit Counts Campaign.
Attend a Credit Counts Workshop!
Space is limited, pre-registration is required. Call or register on-line.
Phone 215-563-5665 and press ?7? or register online at
The same workshop will be repeated four times. Pick ONE:
Tuesday, October 4, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Impact Services
1952 E. Allegheny Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19134
Thursday, October 6 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
District 1199c Training Fund
Land Title Building
100 South Broad Street, 10th floor
In Center City Philadelphia
Tuesday, October 18 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Metropolitan Career Center
162 West Chelten Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Saturday, October 29 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Community College of Philadelphia
West Regional Center
4725 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19139
All pre-registrants will receive confirmation of attendance via mail or email, and information on what to bring to the workshop. The first 100 workshop attendees are also eligible for a voucher for a free one-on-one session with a certified credit counselor from Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Delaware Valley.
For more information:
* Visit our website at
For additional information on federal regulations regarding free credit reports:
* Go to the Federal Trade Commission website at
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