Creative Leadership Grants for school teambuilding

Posted by Crayola on February 29, 2016

Deadline: June 6, 2016

The Crayola grant program will award grants of $2,500 in support of creative leadership team-building programs in elementary schools in the United States and Canada. In addition, each program will receive an in-kind grant of Crayola products valued at $1,000.

Creative leadership projects might involve building a creativity professional development plan that includes a series of workshops delivered by teachers, for teachers; bringing in an arts organization that has expertise in integrating art across the curriculum and having a series of training workshops followed up by co-teaching sessions so the information gets embedded into classroom practices; and/or organizing grade level creativity teams who have monthly collaboration meetings where they design lessons and coach each other on the implementation of art-infused, cross-curricular lessons.

To learn more go to their website at:

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