Community Organizer, ACORN
Posted by on August 20, 2004
[posted from Neighbors On Line Philadelphia]
ACORN is currently accepting applications for our 3 day organizing academy. The academy will be held in Philadelphia, September 9th – 11th. At the end of the academy, ACORN will be offering selected participants a full time community organizer position within our organization. There is a more detailed academy description below, along with a job description below. To apply, please call Ali Kronley at 215 765 0042 or email at [email protected]. Please feel free to apply, and to pass the word along to others. Thanks.
Do you think too many people have too much wealth and power?
Do you think working families’ issues are getting ignored by democrats and republicans?
Do you want to have the ability to impact the 2004 presidential election?
Do you want to work to build a longterm movment for living wages, quality schools, and fair lending — after the election?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, Apply for ACORN’s community organizing academy. The academy is an intensive 3 day training. During the training, participants will:
– learn basic grassroots organizing techniques, such as membership recruitment and leadership development
– participate in Get out the Vote and Voter Registration Initiatives
– read and discuss the works of Chavez and Martin Luther King Jr. on organizing
– organize and participate in direct action protests
– get the chance to interview for ACORN’s full time community organizer position.
The academy will be held Sept 9 – Sept 11th in Philadelphia. Participants will recieve a small Stipend, and have the opportunity to apply for ACORN’s full time community organizer position. To apply, please call or email Ali Kronley at 215 765 0042 or [email protected].
ACORN Organizers build organizations in low-income communities. House by house, family by family, organizers hear from community residents what they want changed in their neighborhood, city, state, and country. Organizers work with community residents to hold meetings, do research on key issues, and developcampaign strategies to get these issues addressed. The ACORN organizer’s job is to work for the membership of ACORN, helping them build the power they need to win the things their communities and families need.
We address our members’ issues through direct actions, negotiations, working with the media, and, sometimes, by getting involved in electoral politics. ACORN organizers do many things; there’s never a dull moment. All ACORN organizers:
? recruit members
? identify hot issues
? develop leaders
? organize meetings, rallies, protests, press conferences, marches, etc.
? run campaigns
ACORN understands that community organizing experience is rare, so we train a lot. New organizers learn how to conduct an organizing drive and a local campaign. We train organizers to recruit members, build an organizing committee, turn people out to meetings and events, develop campaign strategy, work with leaders, do grassroots fundraising, write press releases, and much more.
What you need to be a good ACORN organizer:
? a real commitment to democratic, participatory, grassroots movements and the indigenous people who lead them.
? the ability to juggle lots of things at once.
? a sense of adventure and a sense of humor!
Salary starts at $22,500. Benefits include health, pension, paid sick and vacation days.
Ali Kronley
Head Organizer
Philadelphia ACORN
846 N Broad Street
Philadelphia PA 19130
215 765 0042
[email protected]
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