Community Cultural Development Projects
Posted by on March 14, 2003
[RFP Bulletin]
Rockefeller Foundation Offers Funding for Community Cultural Development Projects
Deadline: April 1, 2003 (first-round applications)
A program of the Rockefeller Foundation’s ( Creativity & Culture Division, the Partnerships Affirming Community Transformation program is designed to support U.S.-based community cultural development projects undertaken by artists and other cultural professionals in collaboration with community members to “express identity, concerns, and aspirations through the arts and media, building cultural capacity, and contributing to social change.”
In 2003, PACT seeks to develop the field of community cultural development by supporting projects that can become models for the field of community cultural development; have as an aim the strengthening of networks and sharing of knowledge among practitioners and theorists of art for social change; outline plans to supply training and/or leadership development for a new generation of community cultural development workers; and demonstrate commitment, experience, and innovation in asset-based community development. Projects selected for funding will be those that most directly and comprehensively give voice to poor and excluded people; allow cultural democracy and exchange on an equal basis; provide a critical examination of cultural values; endeavor to frame public discourse; strive to effect change at the core of society; and explore or expand the social role of the artist.
Because the PACT program is intended to encourage collaborations involving community artists and other community members, applications should outline proposed partnerships and, to the extent possible, projected roles of, and relationships with, project partners. The grant application must be made by a tax-exempt organization that is a partner in the process and which acts in a fiduciary capacity as the formal grant recipient. All projects must be based in the United States.
Grant amounts will range from $10,000 to $50,000 per project per year, depending on scope and need. Support may be requested for a period of between one and three years.
Complete program guidelines and downloadable application sheets, as well as background information on the field of cultural development and lists of past and present PACT grantees, are available at the Rockefeller Foundation Web site.
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