College Prep Round Table Meeting
Posted by on November 15, 2002
The next College Prep Round Table meeting will be at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (42nd & Woodland Avenue) on November 20, 2002, 9 AM ? 11 AM. Please note this a Wednesday meeting, not a Thursday meeting. The meeting will take place in Wilson Hall, Room 209.
We will have two presentations:
Ed Trust Conference Report Out ?
Several of our colleagues will be attending the Education Trust in Washington, DC. The 2002 conference will look at how schools, colleges and communities, and states have launched systemic strategies aimed at assuring that all students are prepared for postsecondary education. Many of the conference sessions will feature places much like ours that are ensuring that all students are college ready?with particular focus on improved success for low-income students and students of color. Additionally many sessions will focus on other K-16 themes, including teacher quality, standards-based K-12 curriculum, and the reform of school counseling, to name a few. Our colleagues will report out on the conference.
Using Service-Learning in College Preparation ?
PHENND Director Hillary Aisenstein and GEAR UP Coordinator Rachel Aldins will provide a broad overview of service-learning, an experiential and problem-solving pedagogy that is now a requirement in the School District of Philadelphia. Specifically, they will explore service-learning as it relates to college and career preparedness and how the college prep community can support service-learning throughout the District. Finally, they will give a general overview of PHENND’s GEAR UP initiative that seeks to support combined Career and College Guidance and Service-Learning Centers, along with professional development and college partnerships.
As always, we would appreciate you RSVPing your attendance so that we can inform the presenters how many handouts to bring. If you have announcements and/or program updates, please bring enough copies for 50 people.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you and I?ll see you on the 20th.
Tom Butler, [email protected]
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