Civic Engagement & Voting Rights Teacher Scholars Program – Mar 15

Posted by Clemson University on February 21, 2023

Do you know faculty interested in infusing civic and voting education into their courses? We have a compensated professional development opportunity to create open source teaching materials! Call for cohort 1 of the Mellon Foundation grant “Civic Engagement & Voting Rights Teacher Scholars” with Clemson University & Humanities Hub.

The Civic Engagement & Voting Rights Teacher Scholars program serves as an avenue for faculty to work together to create classroom teaching materials – by faculty, for faculty – to support a thriving American democracy. Funded through a three-year grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Teacher Scholars are recruited and supported from across the nation to work in cross-institutional, cross-disciplinary, humanities and arts-based faculty learning communities (FLCs). The Teacher Scholars design, create, and disseminate pedagogical materials for use in college courses nationwide.

Please share with faculty of all ranks in humanities or humanities-allied disciplines, especially those at 2 year colleges & MSIs!

Applications due March 15, 2023.

Learn more and apply.

Contact Dr. James Burns ( or Dr. Bridget Trogden ( with questions.

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