City Council hearings on School Budget Crisis– New Date
Posted by on November 24, 2006
Council holds PUBLIC HEARING on School Budget Crisis
Dec. 11, 10 a.m.
City Hall Room 400.
(this is rescheduled from Nov. 28th)
Sign up NOW to testify
(Contact Tina Formica or John Christmas at 215-686-3418, 3419, [email protected])
Our schools are under-funded ? by the state and the city.
Let Council members know they share in the responsibility for holding our children harmless from the current round of budget cuts!
* Help fix this hole! (Set aside gripes with the Mayor and school administration to financially collaborate on a plan of action)
* Meet (Education Committee) more often than once every six months!
* Explore the city?s role in long-term funding considerations that can help sustain reform for a School District finally showing progress!
For more information, contact Philadelphia Citizens for Children and Youth at 215-563-5848.
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