Childhood Homelessness in Pennsylvania
Posted by on November 18, 2013
Childhood Homelessness in Pennsylvania
In 2012, 9,098 children/youth slept at least one night in emergency (EH) or transitional (TH) housing in Pennsylvania. Of children served by EH/TH programs, nearly 60% were under age six.
Given that this number includes only children/youth served by EH/TH housing programs – and not children/youth living doubled-up with family/friends or on the streets – it is a very conservative estimate of the number of children/youth experiencing homelessness in PA. This report offers a starting point for understanding the scope of childhood homelessness in Pennsylvania.
Additionally, it offers a preliminary understanding of the needs of children in EH/TH, and examination of the characteristics, challenges, and needs of children experiencing homelessness in Pennsylvania.
The report is co-authored by PEC’s Visiting Scholar Dr. Staci Perlman of the University of Delaware, and PEC staff Joe Willard.
Read the report.
More in "New Resources"
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