Childhood Homelessness in PA
Posted by HopePHL on August 1, 2023
HopePHL has summarized a report from the PA Department of Education (Childhood Homelessness In Pennsylvania) that shows that in School Year (SY) 2021- 2022 there were 40,003 children and youth were identified as homeless throughout the Commonwealth, an all-time high.
We encourage policy makers and their staff, funders, child service agencies, school personnel, family advocates and others to read and to understand the data and consider expanding efforts to reach out to children and youth who experience homelessness.
Key highlights include:
- Pennsylvania identified its highest number ever of children and youth experiencing homelessness – 40,003. Of these children, 23 percent were ages birth through five.
- 66% of all homeless children and youth are living double up (living with family or friends) due to economic reasons. These are students who are not being supported by the homeless housing system.
- Suburban homelessness is almost identical in scale to urban homelessness.
- 60% of all 3rd Graders experiencing homelessness score below basic in Math and 40% in Reading.
- 58 percent of students experiencing homelessness are considered chronically absent.
We provide the following recommendations:
- HopePHL recommends that Pennsylvania’s Congressional delegation support continuing the funding provided by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) in which the Commonwealth received $36 million to support 500 school districts and 176 charter schools reach out and support students experiencing homelessness. Prior to this investment, Pennsylvania received less than $6 million for the entire state.
- The Shapiro Administration and the Pennsylvania General Assembly need to identify a funding source to supplement the federal investment, especially if Congress does not continue the ARP funding.
- Locally, the homeless housing and the education systems need to cooperate to connect housing to families experiencing homelessness, especially those families living doubled-up.
More in "New Resources"
- New Book: STEM Smart Parenting
- Federal Work-Study Partnership Toolkit for Districts and Nonprofits
- Want to stay healthier and fulfilled later in life? Try volunteering
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