Careers in the Arts Initiative
Posted by on October 24, 2003
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts announces a request for proposals to implement mentoring programs in the arts for individuals with disabilities. This project is supported by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs and the National Endowment for the Arts. Proposals must be received by Monday, December 15, 2003, may include a request for up to $15,000 in support, and are for projects to be executed between February 2004 and December 2004.
Mission: To support arts and arts service organizations in creating experiential education opportunities through mentoring for individuals with disabilities interested in pursuing careers in the arts.
CAIM Project Intent: Arts or arts service organizations will offer individuals with disabilities, who are interested in exploring or advancing their professional careers in the arts, the opportunity to learn in a professional arts or arts service environment and be mentored by a working arts professional. CAIM projects will create opportunities for the individual with a disability to participate in professional development opportunities, career advancement opportunities and build on experiences which enhance and advance their potential for future competitive employment in a career in the arts. Mentorships can be in any field of the arts including but not limited to:
? Administrative: development, marketing, education, advertising, human resources, archivist, information systems/technology, retail operations, special events, box office and programming.
? Production: stage management, stage crew, construction, directing, choreographing, writing, design, and museum practices including research, collections, management, exhibit design and conservation.
? Design/Arts: visual arts, exhibitions, facility design, costuming, sets, props, lights, sound, painting, film, graphics and multi-media.
? Performance: dancer, actor and musician.
Qualifying Arts Organizations must:
? Be a tax-exempt non-profit 501-(C)-3 arts organization, arts service organization, or a state/local government arts organization or agency.
? Identify a full-time employee of the organization to mentor the individual with a disability.
? Select a qualified individual with a disability to be mentored (definition of "qualified" below).
? Complete and return an application including a budget which accounts for the amount requested.
? Organizations may request up to $15,000 in support for a CAIM project. No matching funds are required but organizations are encouraged to supplement their CAIM project with other funds.
? Experiential education mentoring projects may be up to nine months long but must be at least one semester long (approx. 4 months), 15 to 40 hours a week, and occur between February 2004 and December 2004.
? Submit an interim report and a final report and complete the project by December 31, 2004.
Qualifying Individuals With A Disability:
Organizations may consider people of all ages (18 years or older).
Non-students with disabilities must:
? Be at least 18 years of age.
? Have a documented disability.*
? Be a U.S. Citizen or have a right to work permit.
? Have three years successful work and/or training experience in the arts.
? Have demonstrated experience in the arts.
Students with disabilities must:
? Be undergraduate or graduate students in any field of study, or be within 2 years of graduation.
? Have a documented disability.*
? Be a U.S. Citizen or have a right-to-work permit.
? Have demonstrated experience in the arts.
* Documentation of a disability includes, but is not limited to, a letter or other documentation from a vocational rehabilitation agency, college or university office of disability services or a physician.
Eligible activities for funding:
Eligible activities for funding include but are not limited to:
? stipends for the individual with a disability;
? auxiliary aids and accommodations necessary for the individuals successful participation in the mentorship program;
? professional conferences and professional development workshop registration fees;
? expenses for recruitment; and
? up to 10% of the overall award for general administrative support.
Ineligible activities for funding:
Commercial (for-profit) enterprises or activities are not eligible for awards under this program. Ineligible activities include but are not limited to:
? purchasing general office equipment, computers and computer hardware, cameras and video equipment;
? building modifications or renovations;
? relocation costs;
? tuition expenses;
? rehabilitation, medical or therapeutic expenses;
? stipends for the mentor;
? production costs such as space rental, costumes, sets, props, paint, brushes, and other supplies to produce/make/build a piece of art.
Email your request for an application to: [email protected] Be sure to include "CAIM Application Request" in the subject field, and please indicate whether the application should be emailed with an attachment (PDF file), faxed or mailed to you.
Completed applications must be received by close of business on December 15, 2003 and may be submitted by:
U.S. Postal Service Mail:
Accessiblity Program
The Kennedy Center
P.O. Box 10808
Arlington, Virginia 22210
Federal Express or UPS:
DO NOT send regular mail to this address, it will be delayed.
Accessiblity Program
The Kennedy Center
2700 F Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20566
All applicants will be notified of final selections by January 30, 2004.
The John F. Kennedy Center Accessibility Program by:
Phone: (202) 416-8727
TTY: (202) 416-8728
Email: [email protected]
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