Candy and fast food in schools

Posted by on December 6, 2002

[Public Education Network]

School is back in session, but do you know what your children are learning about a matter of lifelong importance? That matter is food and drink, the substances that sustain health and life. But in more and more schools nationwide, children from kindergarten through high school are being taught that "nutrition" comes in boxes of fast foods, candy wrappers and soft-drink cans and bottles. In many schools, fast-food companies have co-opted the lunch program, and children have ready access to soft drink and snack machines. In the classroom, too, children in 12,000 schools are required to watch a 12-minute television program every day with two minutes of commercials from companies like McDonald’s, Hershey, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, KFC, Frito-Lay, Domino’s and 7Up. In this article, Dr. Jane Brody calls for legislation at the national level to curb predatory marketing in schools that is fattening both corporate wallets and America?s children.

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