Campus Minister, Gwynedd Mercy College
Posted by on July 08, 2013
Campus Minister, Gwynedd Mercy College
As a member of the Campus Ministry team (and in collaboration with key faculty and staff) create, enhance, and assess opportunities for GMC students to engage in direct service with persons who are economically poor or otherwise marginalized, and to reflect on their experience of service in the Mercy tradition. Participate in the broader liturgical and spiritual aspects of Campus Ministry as interest, skill and time permit.
Oversee and assess all service opportunities originating in Campus Ministry, participating where possible and appropriate. This includes ongoing/weekly service activities, service-immersion trips, and college-wide service such as Holiday Outreach, Orientation Service, and MLK Day of Service.
Develop relationships with community partners and create an expanding network of local service sites with an understanding of agencies’ real needs.
Coordinate Alternative Break program in collaboration with Campus Ministry team, including site development, advertising, recruitment and placement of students and student/faculty/staff leaders, formation, fund-raising, travel/housing arrangements, assessment of outcomes, and public-relations.
Ensure that a process of preparation and reflection is incorporated into all service experiences in order to deepen students’ commitment to the combination of professional competency with the Mercy tradition of service to society.
Administer all aspects of Scholars-in-Service program. This includes annual grant applications, recruitment and selection of candidates, administrative record-keeping, training, reflection, and supervision. Foster leadership development for students who serve as community service leaders.
Assist First Year Experience and other faculty in identifying service learning sites and in developing effective reflective components for their classes.
In conjunction with Dean of Students, maintain records related to participation in service activities for use in the annual application for the President’s Honor Roll of Service, PA Campus Compact member survey, and college-wide Celebrate Service year-end activity. Develop and coordinate assessments for students engaged in service, recording, disseminating, and responding to data.
Meet regularly with the Director of Campus Ministry for consultation/supervision. Participate in Campus Ministry team meetings and staff development.
Work with College Grant Writer to seek ongoing funding for engagement in local, domestic, and international partnerships.
Enhance professional development through participation in organizations such as the Catholic Campus Ministry Association, Campus Compact, PHENND, CRS Campus Connection, etc.
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