Call for Workshops: 25th Anniversary PHENND Conference
Posted by on October 07, 2013
Call for Workshop Presenters
2014 PHENND Conference: Anchor Institutions: A Regional Approach
We are looking for individuals who plan on attending the PHENND CONFERENCE: Anchor Institutions: A Regional Approach, to be held February 13-14, 2014 to research, design, and lead paper presentations and workshops. This gathering will be attended by a national audience of 150-200 students, campus staff, faculty, and others who are active in community development, community service, service-learning, and campus-community partnership work. Over the course of the two days, a limited number of hands-on workshops will be offered to participants to complement plenary sessions and panels.
Many conferences have detailed the role single Anchor Institutions have played in various communities across the country, whether it be Penn in West Philadelphia, Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, or Harvard in Cambridge. For this conference, we are interested in exploring questions related to multi-Anchor collaborations, particularly in larger, metropolitan areas with more than one Anchor. What does this look like in metro New York or Los Angeles? How can Anchors effectively work together, despite different resources, interests, and histories? How can cities and city governments work with these collaborations? What does this look like on a municipal scale vs. a metropolitan/regional scale? What happens to neighborhoods within these regions that have no Anchor?
Proposals are due Friday, December 13, 2013.
The conference will be held at both the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University.
View the call for proposals here:
Early bird registration is now open for the 25th Anniversary PHENND Conference! Early bird rates apply through December 31st. Register today!
Stay tuned for hotel information which will be available next week.
View the conference program booklet from the 20th Anniversary Conference.
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