Call for Submissions: Community Technology Conference
Posted by on March 5, 2004
CTCNet is now accepting proposals for sessions at the 13th Annual CTCNet Conference, “Building Connected Communities: The Power of People & Technology”.
Proposal Deadline: March 10, 2004
Conference Dates: June 11-13, 2004
Proposal Criteria & Guidelines: Preference will be given to proposals that:
-Are oriented toward building skills and/or delivering resources
-Are interactive in nature
-Are well-planned with regard to session format, facilitation/moderation, accessibility for participants with disabilities & usage of time
-Have clear, identified learning outcomes
-Fit in with or relate to the theme of the conference
All proposals should fit within one of the six tracks of the conference (listed below), and sessions within each track should somehow relate to the theme “building connected communities”, incorporating where possible issues of community and civic engagement; diversity and accessibility; and the role of CTCs as public community institutions.
All presenters must register for the conference, at the discounted presenters’ rate of $130. Accepted applicants will recieve a 4-digit code to use when registering online, so it is highly recommended that applicants WAIT to register until they are notified whether or not their session has been selected.
Hotel & Travel:
The conference will be held June 11-13, 2004 in Seattle, Washington at the DoubleTree Hotel Seattle Airport. The group rate is $103/night plus tax (reference the CTCNet Annual Conference). For reservations, call 1-800-222-TREE. The hotel is located at 18740 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, Washington
Conference Theme & Tracks:
Titled “Building Connected Communities: The Power of People & Technology,” the 13th Annual CTCNet Conference will explore emerging themes under the larger framework of community building and its relevance for community technology centers as they engage and connect diverse communities to effect positive change.
Community Development & Community Technology
This track will explore connections between Community Development and Community Technology, covering topics such as community asset mapping, microenterprise projects, sustainable business models, community networking and the role of CTCs as public community institutions.
Organizational Capacity & Leadership
The track will provide program directors, staff, volunteers, and funders with tools and strategies to ensure for organizational success, including fundraising and development, staff & volunteer management, accessibility and cultural diversity, community collaborations and planning and budgeting.
Policy, Advocacy & Organizing
Focusing on policy efforts and civic engagement, this track will include a range of topics addressing how community technology practitioners & constituents can effect change at all levels of public life, including civic & community engagement activities as well as key policy issues at the local, state, regional, federal and international level.
Program Design & Content
This track will cover programming at all levels of development, and include sessions sharing best practices from replicable program and curricula models, appropriate content and curriculum development, lessons on program implementation, and innovative case studies.
Research & Evaluation
This track will highlight best practices in program evaluation, data collection and assessment as well as important findings & statistics concerning community technology.
This track will discuss applications of technology to the operational andprogrammatic needs of community technology programs, including service delivery and organizational IT infrastructure as well as how technology & technology applications are being leveraged for community agendas.
For more information including submission guidelines,
More in "National Conferences & Calls for Proposal"
- Call for Papers: Metropolitan Universities Journal – July 1
- Call for Proposals: Leveraging Legacies of Peacebuilding in a Precarious Time – May 1
- Invitation to Shape Research Agenda for Service-Learning and Community Engagement – Mar 30 & Apr 3-4
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