Call for Proposals: Our Democratic Imperative: The Role of Higher Education in Developing Students’ Civic Identities, MJCSL – Jul 1

Posted by Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning on March 15, 2022

The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL), in partnership with the Haas Center for Public Service and UCBerkeley Public Service Center, is pleased to invite proposals for a special section that explores the impact of postsecondary efforts that involve students in public service and civic engagement on the development of healthy civic identities. The section will be guest edited by Tom Schnaubelt, Sandra Bass, Kristy Lobo, and Luke Terra and will be included in the Summer 2023 issue of  MJCSL.

MJCSL is an openaccess, peer reviewed journal focusing on research, theory, pedagogy and other matters related to civic engagement, academic servicelearning, campuscommunity partnerships, and engaged/public scholarship in higher education.

This volume seeks to sharpen our collective vision for our intended student outcomes, particularly as it relates to the educational goals of advancing democratic equality and achieving our civic mission. We assert that our collective outcomes in this area can be thought of as cultivating a healthy civic identity.

Call for proposals.

Learn more about the goals of the journal on our website.

We welcome abstracts via email for informal feedback; please inquire before June 30, 2022.

Full proposals for the special section are due July 1, 2022 and should be emailed to [email protected]. If contributors are invited to submit full manuscripts based on their proposal, the manuscript will be due Dec 1, 2022.

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