Call for Proposals: National Service-Learning Conference – Oct 20
Posted by National Youth Leadership Council on October 10, 2023
We are excited to invite you to join our colleagues at the National Youth Leadership Council for The National Service-Learning Conference – From Passion to Action – in Saint Paul, MN on April 3-6, 2024! This is the largest and most comprehensive global convening for service-learning educators, nonprofit leaders, administrators, students, and more!
Share your experience and story by applying to present a Workshop, Lightning Talk, or Showcase by October 20, 2023.
Workshops are the heart of the conference, providing skill-building for youth and adults alike. These interactive, engaged learning sessions are designed for a variety of levels and audiences engaged in service-learning. Session topics are selected for breadth and depth, and include service-learning basics, best practices, current and emerging issues, and how tos. Workshop sessions are 75 minutes long.
Lightning talks are invigorating, speedy sessions in intimate group settings where you can share your ideas, projects, and findings with participants. You will have 10 minutes to present and get to the core of the topic, and then 10 minutes for participant interaction. After 20 minutes, the presenters remain at the table, and participants move on for two more rounds.
Do you have a high-quality project you would like to highlight at the conference? Not ready for a full workshop session but have a powerful message to deliver? Then consider being part of the Showcase. The Showcase highlights high-quality projects from across the country and around the world, and is an opportunity to connect with people and share how a project was implemented, how it was connected to curricular goals, and what made it effective.
Register yourself and/or your youth to attend this inspiring, engaging, innovative, and motivating event (we promise, you won’t want to miss it!) by March 22, 2024.
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