Call for Proposals: Education for Democracy: Innovating in Complex Times
Posted by Eastern Region Campus Compact on September 17, 2018
Eastern Region Campus Compact Bi-Annual Confernece
Education for Democracy: Innovating in Complex Times
March 25-27, 2019
Providence, RI
Proposals due: November 1, 2018
About the Conference
The ERCC conference aims to showcase practices advancing the field of community and civic engagement. Through a mix of session topics and formats, networking opportunities, and a variety of speakers, ERCC conference participants will explore key topics related to community-engaged scholarship, learning that promotes civic & democratic engagement, and programs and partnerships that enhance both community & campus.
The 2019 conference theme is Education for Democracy: Innovating in Complex Times. Higher Education is influenced by significant social, economic, and political factors within and beyond academe, and campuses are at the nexus of multiple social movements. The field of civic and community engagement is challenged to respond, contribute, and lead change-making efforts on and off campus that improve our communities and democracy. The rate of change is quickening, and we must ensure that our scholarship and practice is evolving to ensure student, institutional, and community impact. Innovation requires us to think and act differently. We are compelled to develop new educational opportunities and processes that provide solutions to complex problems and advance our common purposes of educating students for civic and social responsibility and improving communities. The conference will explore these framing questions:
– What are the key issues that are changing the field of higher education civic and community engagement? How is it impacting our scholarship and practice?
– How can we strengthen our network of scholars, practitioners, and partners so our collective work can be enhanced and amplified?
– What innovative ideas and promising practices are advancing higher education’s community and civic engagement practices?
– How can we create a more equitable field by recognizing diverse sources of knowledge, epistemologies, as well as a set of scholars and practitioners?
Presentation Information
Through a lens of the conference theme and framing questions, proposals may cover a wide variety of topics including, but not limited to:
– Civic and democratic learning pedagogies and initiatives (e.g. dialogic practice, political learning, service-learning, etc.)
– Evidence based work including community engaged scholarship and/or research, assessment, and evaluation of service-learning and civic engagement
– Place-based initiatives such as anchor institution activities, community partnerships, and collective impact.
– Community engagement programs and practices, especially those positively impacting the priorities of student learning and success and/or equity, diversity, and inclusion.
– The role technology plays in communication, democratic expression, organizing, community development, and program management
Read more and apply:
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