Call for Proposals: Association for the Study of Higher Education
Posted by on April 2, 2004
The 29th Annual ASHE Conference
November 2-7, 2004, at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri
The 2004 ASHE Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, will take place on November 2-7, 2004. This year?s conference promises to be exciting and memorable.
2004 is the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court?s landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. This anniversary will provide the major theme for the conference. Gary Rhoades and I are planning a number of keynote, presidential, and invited sessions celebrating this landmark decision and its impact on higher education.
In addition, we are also planning sessions addressing other important concerns, such as the higher-education canon, accreditation, and for-profit institutions.
Furthermore, in order to bridge the boundaries between subjects traditionally addressed during the conference and those which are not, we are planning sessions addressing globalization, privatization, and the connections between K-12 and higher education.
The 2004 ASHE program committee asks you to submit your proposals to division chairs specializing in topic areas: students; organization and administration; teaching, learning, and curriculum; faculty; contexts and foundations; policy, finance, and economics; and methodology and assessment. We added an ?open? section this year in order to accommodate some concerns about the topic areas, and so authors who feel that their proposals do not fit into one of the existing areas may send theirs to this ?open? section.
We are also asking that you rank their preference for presentation formats, giving the program committee more flexibility in balancing the high demand for paper presentations with the need to accept a higher number of qualified proposals.
The Call for Proposals will be posted soon. So please check the website frequently. Thanks,
Benjamin Baez,
2004 ASHE Conference Program Chair
For more information, visit the ASHE Website at
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