Call for Presenters: Digital Miracles Conference 2002
Posted by on March 29, 2002
CommuniTech of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the
University of Pennsylvania and CTCNet of Delaware Valley are proud to
sponsor the 4th Annual Digital Miracles Conference (DMC2002). DMC2002
provides an opportunity for Philadelphia’s non-profits to gather
together, share experiences, and meet new people and organizations. This
year’s conference will build upon previous years’ efforts and
experiences, and will include speakers and workshops on important and
useful topics which range from:
– Grant Writing and Acquiring Resources for CTC’s
– Networking and CTC lab design
– Software and Technology for You and the Future
– Price Efficiency with Internet Services
– Technology and Education
We are currently calling upon all those who are willing to offer papers,
speeches, or presentations on these or any other topics that may relate
to technology, the community, and non-profits. This year’s conference is
much more broad based than the past and seeks to bring all ideas for
discussion and learning to the Philadelphia and Delaware Valley
communities. If interested or have questions please email
[email protected].
“Empowering you for the future. Where does your power come from?”
2002 Digital Miracles Conference
Friday, April 19, 2002
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
International House – University of Pennsylvania Campus
3701 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA
Thank you for your interest and we hope to see you on April 19th.
-Digital Miracles 2002 Team
More in "Other Local Events and Workshops"
- Webinar: Strategies for Minimizing Your Nonprofit’s Employment Law Risks in this New Legal Landscape – Mar 25
- PANO and Nonprofit Center at LaSalle: Virtual Panel & Conversation – Mar 13
- Webinar: Solutions to the Youth Mental Health Crisis – Mar 11
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