Call for Presentations: MontCo Association for Excellence in Service Annual Conference
Posted by on September 29, 2006
Montgomery County Association for Excellence in Service (MAX)
Request for Presentation Proposals
?MAXimizing Your Potential? Second Annual Conference
March 14 and 15, 2007
Montgomery County Community College
The MAX Conference Committee is seeking speakers who are interested in presenting at this year?s conference. The audience will be Direct Support Professionals. On both days, there will be a morning and afternoon session of one hour and 15 minutes each. We are also soliciting presentations for two 45-minute mini-sessions on both days. We welcome a variety of topics.
Please attach a copy of your resume/bio with this proposal. Completed proposals must be returned no later than October 27, 2006, by mail to: MAX, C/O ALTEC, 3151 Advance Lane, Colmar, PA 18915, by fax to 215-822-6397, or by email to [email protected].
MAX Statement of Purpose
To create a cooperative organization among the community service providers for people with mental health, mental retardation, and drug and alcohol involvement and their families in order to ensure continuing improvement of supports and to promote a needs based allocation of resources.
To create a unified purpose for providers through the sharing of ideas, expertise, and philosophy while respecting the unique culture of each agency.
To develop collaborative and proactive relationships with the county MH/MR/D&A officials in order to maintain a forum to facilitate provider input on any decisions, policies, and procedures from county officials which concern services to those we support.
To provide education and information to elected officials, including federal, state and county government agencies and associates in the furtherance of the best interests of service providers and the individuals they support.
To promote acceptance of people with mental retardation, mental illness, and drug and alcohol involvement into full participation in their communities.
For more information and to submit a workshop proposal, contact:
Beth Hiriak
[email protected]
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