Call for Presentations: Bridging Research with Practice: BPSOS Southeast Asian Family Conference
Posted by on May 01, 2011
Attention all scholars/researchers and service providers!
Boat People SOS of Delaware Valley, PA is planning a Southeast Asian Family Conference entitled Bridging Research with Practice in Philadelphia this September, 2011. The topics around Southeast Asian Immigrants/refugees include, but are not limited to, SEA Family, Education, Violence, Civic Engagement, Employment/Economics, Youth, and Health. Please forward to anyone who might be interested in submitting! You can find the information below! Submission deadline is July 8th!
Call for Presentations: Bridging Research with Practice: BPSOS Southeast Asian Family Conference 2011
When: September, 22nd-23rd 2011 (Tentative Date)
Where: Philadelphia, PA
Who should attend the conference?
– Advocates/Practitioners who want to gain a broader perspective on current issues facing the Southeast Asian community in the US and would like to learn how to incorporate applied theory to their service programs.
– Researchers/scholars in academia who are looking for ways to transform their research into practice.
– Policy Makers interested in transformative research.
Why should you attend the Conference?
As part of the final year of the BPSOS Healthy Marriage Demonstration Program, BPSOS is providing a unique opportunity for practitioners to gain access to knowledge produced by researchers and scholars in the field in order to foster better communication between the two worlds of research and service. In addition, BPSOS will be presenting findings collected from the past five years through the Healthy Marriage Demonstration Program in order to provide a dialogue between research and practice. Through the Southeast Asian Family conference (SEAfam), practitioners can learn to incorporate applied research into their service programs. The SEAfam conference also provides an opportunity for researchers/scholars who want to engage in the community to share results with practitioners and transform their work from theory to practice with the hope of furthering future Healthy Marriage programming.
Call for Presentations: Interested individuals are invited to submit abstracts for presentations relevant to any of the following themes listed below. Presentations are open to researchers and service providers. Deadline for submission is July 8, 2011. Decisions will be made in August, 2011.
Themes: SEA Family, Education, Violence, Civic Engagement, Employment/Economics, Youth, Health
Theme ideas:
· SEA Family Issues
· Demographics and Local Statistics
· Adaptation/Integration/Acculturation of SEA Immigrants
· LGBT Issues
· Immigrant and Refugee Experiences and Policy
· Health (Public Health, Healthcare, Mental Health, Substance Abuse etc.)
· Barriers to Education
· Violence in Family or Community
Categories for Presentations and Participation
1. Paper: panel presentation placed by BPSOS,15-20 min presentation
2. Poster: presentation of research poster
3. Workshop/Training: leading interactive breakout groups 45min-1 hour
4. Panel Presentation: 30-60min. No more than 4 papers per panel, contact person should be panel chair.
Please submit an abstract no longer than 200 words in length, indicate the content and purpose of your presentation by following the link below and submitting your information. Deadline for submission is July 8, 2011. Decisions will be made in August, 2011. Visit our website to submit abstracts and register;
For more information please email Jessica Kratzer at [email protected].
About BPSOS Healthy Marriage Demonstration Program:*
For the past five years, the BPSOS Healthy Marriage Demonstration Program has empowered Vietnamese couples to overcome communication barriers and resolve conflicts that arise in the family specific to the refugee and immigrant experience. Our education model and tools raise awareness of healthy marriage issues in the Vietnamese community. In particular, we enable Vietnamese immigrant and refugee couples around the country to overcome cultural, emotional, and literacy barriers to healthy relationships by way of ethnic media dissemination of healthy marriage messages.
*Funding for this project was provided by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author (s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
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