Call for Papers: Women in Literacy
Posted by on March 21, 2003
Call for Papers
Women and Literacy
Edited by Mev Miller and Ilene Alexander
Since 1972 Women’s Studies Quarterly has been the leading journal on teaching in women’s studies. Thematic issues feature vital material for specialists and generalists alike, including the most recent scholarship available in jargon-free language; classroom aids such as course syllabi; discussions of strategies for teaching; and up-to-date, complete bibliographies as well as hard-to-find or never-before-published documents and literary materials. The intersections of race and class with gender are of special concern, as are international perspectives.
Women’s Studies Quarterly is now seeking writings for a special Spring, 2004 issue on Women and Literacy. Cross-cultural and international in scope, this issue seeks to include a selection of essays from practitioners in the fields of literacy and adult education as well as from women’s studies. Contributions made by literacy practitioners co-authored with women learners or authored by women learners are especially encouraged. This issue encourages writings in a variety of genres, e.g., memoir, personal essays, collections of student writings. Essays may be both reflective of actual practice or theoretical issues. Contributors are asked to include a brief description of your experience in the literacy field.
For the purposes of this issue, “women and literacy” pertains to the concerns and issues for adult women learners (18+ years of age) who have pre-basic or limited reading/writing skills in predominately print-based cultures. This issue seeks to heighten the awareness of women’s studies academics and feminist educators to the issues of literacy for adult women. It also strives to explore beyond functional definitions of literacy. The questions to be addressed may include:
Contributors are asked to reflect on the ways in which women’s literacy presents aspects of women’s power, and especially how women’s literacy affects their families, their participation in their communities, and ultimately contributes to decision-making, democracy, or social change in local areas as well as the larger
world community.
Contributions should be no longer than 20 double-spaced pages. Please send a disk and 2 copies of manuscript to Mev Miller, 160 Gano St., Providence, RI 02906. Contributors who mail their essays are also requested to send an email alerting Mev to watch for it ([email protected]). Contributions may also be sent via email to [email protected].
The deadline for contributions is May 1, 2003.
Queries should be made in writing to Mev Miller, [email protected].
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