Call for Papers: Journal of Community Practice
Posted by on February 14, 2003
A Special Issue of
The Journal of Community Practice
Guest Editors: Tracy Soska and Alice K. Johnson
The growing trends and issues of university-community partnerships and campus civic engagement have become timely in the writings from urban planning, higher education, and community development. Community Outreach Partnership Centers sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), as well as higher education reports from the Kellogg Commission on State and Land Grant Universities and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching have identified civic engagement and community partnership as critical themes for higher education. University-community partnerships have emerged as vital for teaching, research, and practice in community building.
Accordingly, the Editors of the Journal of Community Practice: Organization, Planning, Development, & Change invite manuscripts that relate to university-community partnerships:
? Case studies
? Curriculum development
? Historical studies
? Participatory research
? Policy analysis
? Program evaluation
? Qualitative and quantitative methods
? Theory and model development and testing
We expect this special issue to attract research and writings on Community Outreach Partnership Centers (COPC), HOPE VI outreach initiatives, service-learning and other types of civic engagement programs, as well as the applied research which is a part of such efforts. Authors are encouraged to submit international and/or interdisciplinary perspectives.
Manuscripts should be 15-18 pages in length, and include an abstract of 100 words or less. Authors should submit four printed copies and a disk copy. The references and format of the manuscript should follow the Version 5 style of the American Psychological Association (APA). All manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously by peer review. Final acceptance of all papers is subject to the decision of the Guest Editors and the Editors of the Journal of Community Practice.
Submit manuscripts by September 1, 2003 to: Editors, Journal of Community Practice, School of Social Work, Wayne State University, Room 11, Thompson Home, 4756 Cass Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48202 USA. For more information:
Phone: (313) 577-8969 or E-mail: [email protected]
The Journal of Community Practice is a multidisciplinary journal designed to provide a forum for the development of knowledge related to numerous disciplines, including social work and the social sciences, urban planning, social and economic development, community organizing, policy analysis, urban and rural sociology, public administration, and nonprofit management. The Journal of Community Practice is sponsored by the Association for Community Organization & Social Administration (ACOSA), and published by The Haworth Press, Inc.
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