Call for Examples: Civic Learning Practices, Programs, Materials
Posted by on September 24, 2004
The primary goal of the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools is to improve and increase civic learning in our schools, grades K-12. As part of this effort, the Campaign will show-case examples of high-quality K-12 civic learning practices and resources.
We hope you will consider doing two things to help in this effort: nominate and submit example(s) from your work; and, publicize this opportunity to others in your professional network. We particularly want examples that align with the approaches recommended by the Carnegie Corporation-CIRCLE /Civic Mission of Schools/ report, including:
-Instruction in government, history, law and democracy
-Class discussion of current local, national, and international issues and events
-Community service and service-learning linked to curriculum and class instruction
-Extracurricular opportunities to get involved in the school and community
-Participation in school governance
-Simulations of democratic practices and procedures.
We welcome a wide range of submissions, including examples at the local, pilot, and national level. An advisory group will review the submissions and select examples that will be assembled into an inventory, hosted on the Campaign website and promoted through Campaign media. The online inventory is designed primarily to inform policymakers and practitioners what actual civic education can and does look like in real schools, but the public will have access as well.
To submit an example of high-quality civic education, please complete the form at
Thank you in advance for your submission and for supporting the Campaign.
Kenny Holdsman and Kelly Nuxoll
Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools at the Academy for Educational Development
100 Fifth Avenue, Eighth Floor
New York, NY 10011
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