Call for Emerging Scholars in K-12 Service-Learning
Posted by on April 9, 2007
In an effort to expand the body of research on K-12 service-learning and to enhance its dissemination and use, Brandeis University’s Center for Youth and Communities (CYC), The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE) at the University of Maryland, and the International Center for Research on Civic Engagement and Service-Learning (ICR-CESL) at the University of California, Berkeley are presenting the first ever Service-Learning Works-in-Progress Seminar .
The Seminar is funded through a Catalyst Collective Action grant from the Service-Learning Leaders Circle, using funds generously provided by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The Leaders Circle is administered by the National Service-Learning Partnership at the Academy for Educational Development. Each year, over the next three years, the seminar will convene a small group of diverse new and experienced K-12 service-learning researchers, researchers from allied fields, and users of research in the policy and practice arenas for 2-3 days of intensive discussions of research being planned and undertaken in the field.
The goals of the Seminar are to provide support and encouragement for a new generation of diverse service-learning researchers, improve the quality of research, promote increased publication, dissemination, and utilization of research, and in doing so, to build links between service-learning and research in related-fields.
The seminar will team emerging scholars with experienced researchers to advance the research works in progress so that they can be presented and fully disseminated at relevant research conferences. Following the seminar and relevant conference presentations, all emerging scholars will be expected to submit their final research papers for publication.
Call for Emerging Scholars in Service-Learning
We are currently seeking applications from emerging scholars in the K-12 service-learning field who wish to participate in 2007 Service-Learning Works in Progress Seminar, to be held at the University of Maryland, College Park, June 14-16.
* Individuals who are either a masters degree students, doctoral students (advanced to candidacy), or post-doctoral researchers within 7 years of receiving their doctoral degrees may apply.
* Applicants must currently have in progress a formal research paper or project that advances the study of service-learning in K-12 education. The research may be at any stage (e.g., building of the conceptual framework, creating or testing measures, data collection, etc.), but the work must already be underway.
* Regardless of the stage of research being conducted, all applications must be prepared to submit a written paper by May 30, 2007 that explains in detail the nature and focus of the research being conducted. These paper should be in line with paper presentations that would be given at research-focused conferences. (For example, an applicant may wish to present a paper on the application of particular theories to an investigation s/he is planning to conduct. Another applicant may wish to present a paper on study findings).
* Preference will be given to applicants who have submitted paper presentation proposals to the International Service-Learning Research Conference or another research-related gathering.
* Applications must be accompanied by an official endorsement letter as follows:
* Graduate Students: Faculty Advisor endorsement
* Junior Faculty: Dean or Department Chair endorsement
* Other Researchers: Appropriate organizational official endorsement
* The endorsement letter will verify your status as an emerging scholar and endorse your participation in the seminar. Endorsements will be submitted via e-mail to the selection committee. (See Submitting Application section below)
All participating emerging scholars must be available to attend the seminar for its full duration. The seminar begins on Thursday, June 14 at 6:30 PM and ends Saturday, June 16 at 2:00 PM. The seminar will engage each emerging scholar in a presentation of his/her work for the purpose of receiving feedback from senior service-learning scholars, experienced researchers in affiliated fields, and service-learning practitioner/policy experts. All participating emerging scholars are required to commit themselves to presenting their work at a minimum of one research-focused conference before May 31, 2008. Each emerging scholar will be paired with a senior service-learning researcher who will serve as a mentor following the seminar. Each emerging scholar is expected to work closely with her/his mentor, and connect with her/him at least twice (either through phone, email, or in-person) prior to presenting his/her work at a research conference. A total of 12 Emerging Scholars will be selected for the 2007 Seminar.
Travel Support
The Service-Learning Works in Progress Seminar will provide travel for each Emerging Scholar, up to $600 per person, including airfare, ground transportation, parking, etc. In addition, each Scholar will receive two nights lodging at the Inn & Conference Center (ICC) at the University of Maryland. All meals during the seminar are included at no cost to the participants. Travel arrangements will be coordinated directly through the University of Maryland.
Application Submission
To apply to serve as an Emerging Scholar, please submit via e-mail the following:
1) A Recent Curriculum Vitae ; Please make sure it includes your contact information.
2) A Narrative (not to exceed 1000 words) that addresses the following issues:
a) Personal Background: What is your current position and areas of interest in k-12 service-learning research? What work have you done in the field or affiliated field? What are your goals as a researcher in k-12 service learning? What strengths do you bring to the seminar? What are the areas on which you would like to improve or advance?
b) Description of Work in Progress : Describe the nature of the research project on which you are working. At what stage of development is the project? At what stage will the project be in June? When will it be completed or otherwise ready for presentation at a research conference?
c) Significance of the Research : In what ways does the work you are conducting contribute to the field of k-12 service-learning research? What are the implications of your research for k-12 service-learning policy and practice?
d) Goals for the Seminar : What would you like to gain and learn from the seminar? In what ways do you believe the seminar will enhance your work?
3) Sample of Work in Progress : Provide one sample piece (instrument, conceptual framework pictorial, bibliography, etc.) that provides information about the nature and focus of your research study.
4) A Letter of Endorsement (under separate e-mail or hard copy letter) that states:
* your name
* approval and endorsement for your participation in the seminar as a Service-Learning Emerging Scholar, with reasons why you should be included
* the endorser’s name, title, and affiliation
Submit all information via email to Dionne Williams at [email protected] by Monday, April 23, 2007. (Hard copies of endorsement letters can be sent, in lieu of emails, to: CIRCLE, School of Public Policy, Van Munching Hall, College Park, MD 20742.) All applicants will be notified of the selection by Wednesday, May 9, 2007. Please address all inquiries about the program or application process to Abby Kiesa at CIRCLE office at [email protected].
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