Bullying Across the Lifespan
Posted by on March 12, 2012
The Alumni Council presents
A call to action for thought and service leaders in social policy and social work practice
6:30pm to 9:30pm, Thursday, March 29, 2012, Houston Hall, Campus of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Alumni Council, School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2), University of Pennsylvania, in partnership with National School Climate Center, Center for Public Health Initiatives, and the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network.
Symposium Objective
To more fully understand the faces of bullying across the life span as a foundation for developing strategies and approaches to eliminate and reduce bullying behavior
Symposium Summary
In honor of Social Work Month, the SP2 Alumni Council is convening a three-hour symposium on “Bullying Across the Lifespan: Targeting the Bully.” The symposium will facilitate a conversation on bullying among: (1) school-age youth, (2) workforce adults, and (3) dependent elderly. In addition, participants will learn about the topic from the perspective of the bully, victim of bullying and the change agent. Finally, participants will engage in a dialogue about creating strategies for making a difference.
Agenda & Presenters
Part I: Setting the Context Dr. Charles Williams, Ms. Allison Taite, Dr. Paula Rodriguez Rust, Dr. Tracy Whitaker, Ms. Karen Chenoweth
Part II: Deepening Our Understanding Ms. Lara McDavit, Ms. Lydia Hernandez Velez
Part III: Strategies for Making a Difference
For More Information
Santo D. Marabella; 215-477-5717; [email protected]
School of Social Policy & Practice, University of Pennsylvania
3701 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104
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