Bridge Builders Grant Program for public schools
Posted by on February 24, 2006
[posted from RFP Bulletin]
National Association of Secondary School Principals Invites Applications for MetLife Foundation Bridge Builders Grant Program
Deadline: April 17, 2006
With funding from the MetLife Foundation <a href=""></a>, the National Association of Secondary School Principals <a href=""></a> administers the MetLife Foundation Bridge Builders Grant Program for public middle and high schools serving large numbers of low-income students and/or underrepresented minorities.
Twenty-five grant awardees will receive $5,000 to implement a special initiative aimed at building better relationships among adults and students. From that pool of twenty-five, NASSP will select five exemplary awardees to participate in a panel presentation at the 2008 NASSP Convention in San Antonio, Texas.
Projects awarded grants will seek to implement recommendations stemming from two publications: "Transitions and the Role of Supportive Relationships, the 2004-2005 MetLife Survey of the American Teacher" and "Sent to the Principal: Students Talk About Making High School Better," a project of What Kids Can Do (<a href=""></a>). Both publications point to the lack of support and trust between students and their principals. Both recommend building better relationships among adults and students, as they greatly influence student academic and social outcomes. NASSP encourages applications from schools interested in addressing this particular disconnect.
Examples of projects eligible for funding include mentoring initiatives; student advisories; personal adult advocate initiatives; civic engagement projects; professional development with a focus on personalization; and engaging families in school.
Middle level and high school principals in public schools serving large numbers of low-income and/or large numbers of minority students (more than 40 percent of the student body) in the United States are eligible to apply.
Complete program information and application materials are available at the NASSP Web site.
RFP Link: <a href=""></a>
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