Black Male Development Symposium
Posted by on December 31, 2004
Arcadia University
2nd Annual
Saturday, March 5, 2005
?At all times, Black men need to think and re-evaluate where they are as men, co-workers, lovers, husbands, fathers, and brothers in a healthy and developmental manner.? – Haki Madhubuti
Featuring spekers: Salome Thomas-El, Sonia Sanchez, and Haki Madhubuti
Sponsoring Organizations Include: Arcadia University?s Gateway/Act 101 Program, Office of Multicultural Affairs, and Office of Enrollment Management, AES/PHEAA, African American Museum in Philadelphia, Third World Press, Inc., CORE Philly Scholarship Program, Harambee Institute, Imhotep High School, NKJ Motivational Program, Sankofa GEAR UP, Eric Snow?s Shoot for the Moon Foundation, Inc., Temple University/PASCEP, Father?s Day Rally Committee, Men United for a Better Philadelphia, Philadelphia Coca Cola Company, Abington Memorial Hospital,, Montgomery County Coalition for the African American Summit, and Village Builders, Inc.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Act 48 Hours will be provided by Arcadia University?s College of Graduate & Professional Studies
The Black Male Development Symposium was conceived and developed by Third World Press to provide a unique opportunity for Black males and females, of all ages, to address the myriad of problems that are having an adverse effect on the socialization of young Black males. Symposia have already been held in Chicago, Illinois; Columbus, Ohio; and Detroit, Michigan; thanks to the efforts of Patrick Oliver, Haki Madhubuti, and the host institutions, as well as myself (Doureen Loury).
The problems facing today’s Black males are multiple, deeply rooted, and exceedingly complex. Indeed they have become major obstacles which are dramatically disrupting the normal socialization of Black males and causing a disproportionate number of them to face a future that is indisputably bleak. In this regard, young Black males are significantly over-represented in the juvenile justice system, involved in the selling of drugs, active in street gangs and exhibiting behaviors that violate traditional Black values. As a result, the media, of every pervasion, embellishes them with images that are provocative, exaggerated, distorted and racially biased. Many young males are being stigmatized as incorrigible, hostile, dangerous and as society’s newest socialized lexicon, “super predators.” Indeed, many are being programmed for failure and the script for their future has already been written.
However, to counteract this dismal forecast, the Black community must collectively assume the primary responsibility for the welfare, protection, and spiritual development of our youth. This symposium will address these problems. Informative presenters and interactive workshops will develop realistic strategies and concrete recommendations that can be put into practice in our respective communities.
The Black Male Development Symposium will provide an opportunity for youth, adults, educational institutions, community organizations and individuals to participate in a one day symposium designed to address the life-threatening issues facing Black male youth and adults.
Registration Information
For Registration Information/forms, please visit our website: or contact Aisha Amin at the Symposium Office, 215-517-2539, or email [email protected].
Registration Fees: Middle/High School/College Students $25, Professionals $40 Middle/High School/College Students $25, Professionals $40
Registration Deadline?Friday, February 11, 2005.
Registration fee includes:
– Membership to the African American Museum in Philadelphia (2004-2005 Membership Year)
– Lunch
– Materials
– T-shirt
Onsite Registration: Students $40 and Professionals $55. (There will be no onsite registration for groups). Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Act 48 Hours will be provided by Arcadia University?s College of Graduate & Professional Studies. The first 200 registrants will receive a free autographed book by Haki Madhubuti, Sonia Sanchez or Salome Thomas-El.
Make Checks Payable to: Arcadia University/BMDS Arcadia University/BMDS
Mail/Fax Registration Information to:
Aisha Amin | Arcadia University | Taylor 202A | 450 S. Easton Road 450 S. Easton Road | Glenside | PA | 19038 | Fax: 215-572 572-2126 2126
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