Beyond Pesticides’ 28th National Pesticide Forum
Posted by on March 01, 2010
Greening the Community
Beyond Pesticides’ 28th National Pesticide Forum
April 9-10, 2010 – Case Western Reserve University – Cleveland, OH
Agnar Pytte Science Center – Schmitt Lecture Hall
In an effort to include more grassroots activists and community members in Greening the Community: the 28th National Pesticide Forum, we are announcing a new $25 “recession rate.” To take advantage, register online today.
We are also pleased to announce exciting additions to our speaker list. Harvey Wasserman, journalist, author, democracy/ environmental activist, will be joining the program to talk about what it would mean for the U.S. to go truly green. Bill Mitsch, PhD, an ecologist and ecological engineer who won the 2004 Stockholm Water Prize, will be talking about restoring the land and eliminating the need for toxic chemical use.
We hope that you are able to join us at this important event to discuss the latest information on pesticides and alternatives, meet scientists and community leaders, and network with other activists working to change policies at the local, state and national levels.
Forum highlights:
Organic Gardening and Farming
— Rodale Institute’s organic farm and garden expert Jeff Moyer. Mr. Moyer and Rodale have helped countless farmers make the transition to organic methods, and have also shown that organic methods combat climate change.
— Tour of the Cleveland Botanical Garden and meet local food and community gardening advocates.
Protecting Pollinators
— David Hackenberg, the beekeeper who first discovered a mysterious disappearance of honeybees now known as colony collapse disorder. Mr. Hackenberg, who is featured in the films Vanishing of the Bees and Nicotine Bees, believes that pesticides contribute to CCD and that honeybees are a barometer of the environment.
Thinking Beyond Your Plate
— Registered dietitian, investigative nutritionist and award-winning “Food Sleuth” journalist Melinda Hemmelgarn.
Sustainable Communities
— Journalist, author, democracy/environmental activist Harvey Wasserman. He is author of a dozen books, including Solartopia! Our Green Powered Earth. Read recent entries at the Huffington Post, including this post on what the U.S. must to do to go truly green.
Cutting Edge Health Science
— Top university researchers in endocrine disruption, genetics, cancer, learning disabilities, birth defects and much more. Presenters include: Paul Winchester, PhD; Shuk-mei Ho, PhD; Michael Skinner, PhD; and Warren Porter, PhD.
Lawn Pesticide Bans and Organic Landscapes
— Jan Kasperski of the Ontario College of Family Physicians and Theresa McClenaghan of the Canadian Environmental Law Association who played a key roles in successfully banning lawn pesticides in Canada.
— National experts in organic, pesticide-free lawn care.
See more on the full speaker list.
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