Award for Exemplary Leadership for English Teachers

Posted by on August 31, 2009

NCTE/CEL: Award for Exemplary Leadership

The Conference on English Leadership (CEL) Award for Exemplary Leadership is given annually to an NCTE member who is an outstanding English Language Arts educator and leader. CEL members nominate an exceptional leader who has had an impact on the profession through one or more of the following: work that has focused on exceptional teaching and/or leadership practices (e.g., building effective department, grade level, or building teams; developing curriculum or processes for practicing ELA educators; or mentoring), contributions to the profession through involvement at both the local and national levels, or publications that have had a major impact. Maximum award: a plaque, recognition on the CEL website and at the Sunday CEL Luncheon, a CEL luncheon ticket, and CEL registration. It may also include an invitation to be the luncheon speaker in a later year or to speak at the CEL Convention. Eligibility: NCTE members.

Deadline: February 1, 2010.

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