Autumn 2002 Edition of CED Magazing
Posted by on November 8, 2002
[originally posted to Comm-Org]
From: Don McNair
Please find below a summary of the articles published in the Autumn 2002 edition of “Making Waves: Canada’s Community Economic Development Magazine.” For more information, including sample articles from this and past editions, visit and select “Making Waves” on the menu bar.
Apologies for cross-postings.
SOCIAL JUSTICE – ERNESTO CORTES JR. Ingenuity, grassroots democracy, hard-nosed bargaining, and a focus on values are hallmarks of the community organizing of Ernesto Cortes Jr. “Issues fade,” he says. “People lose interest in them. But what they really care about remains: family, dignity, justice, and hope.” The success of this strategy in the American Southwest holds lessons for CED practitioners across North America.
A NEW ROLE IN HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Joe Valvasori of the Learning Enrichment Foundation insists that the federal government not only can play an effective role in human capital development — it must. The solutions are local; the problem remains national.
THE FUN SECTOR Only an economic non-strategy assigns vast authority and resources to the private sector, but ignores the colossal creative energy of co-ops, nonprofit agencies, social enterprises, charities, churches, and educational institutions. Where’s the fun in that? asks Silver Donald Cameron.
PROJECT ECHOES To introduce local youth to the practice and potential of CED, the SEED Society in rural Christina Lake trained six of their number to organize and co-ordinate a regional gathering. The result was something much more “off the wall” yet “on the ball” than anything a seasoned practitioner could have
A RADICAL NOTION When the traditional manufacturing base of Waterloo Region, Ontario came apart after 1980, local nonprofits, charities, and businesses outdid themselves to meet unprecedented levels of social distress. Then residents began to up the ante: how could they actually reduce poverty, as well as alleviate its effects? Opportunities 2000, they called their strategy. Here’s how they got it going.
Don McNair
Making Waves: Canada’s CED Magazine
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