Asset Based Community Development Workshop
Posted by on May 29, 2012
“When people discover what they have, they find power. When people join together in new connections and relationships they build power. When people become more productive together, they exercise their power
to address problems and realize dreams”
You are invited to an engaging workshop where you will learn how to look at your communities as places of great assets! Young people being the greatest asset in our communities will participate in this workshop with adults. The workshop will take place on June 11-12, 2012, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Loudermilk Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
The workshop will feature:
● Mike Green, lead trainer and Co-founder of the ABCD Training Group. He will deliver the workshop. For more information about Mike Green, please visit:
● Keith Brown, “Motivator of the Millennium”, will deliver an inspiring presentation to youth and adult participants. For more information about Keith Brown, please visit:
● A spoken word performance provided by THE TRUTH POETS of SAVE OUR CHILDREN (Youth Poets)
● Youth panelists from rural and urban communities
Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) is a powerful approach to community development that focuses on discovering and mobilizing community assets. ABCD emphasizes:
With rare exception people can contribute and want to contribute. Gifts must be discovered. This workshop will help you find it.
See them, make them, and utilize them. An intentional effort to build and nourish relationships is the core of ABCD and of all community building.
People in leadership in everyday life must be at the center of community initiatives rather than just helping agency leaders.
People in communities are motivated to act. The challenge is to discover their motivation to act.
Who Should Attend? Representatives of youth groups, youth serving organizations, community based organizations, business, colleges, public health districts, and government.
This workshop is FREE. Seating capacity is limited and registration is required. Please complete the attached registration form and return it by June 1, 2012. You may email or fax your completed registration form
Technical Assistance and Training Unit
Attention: Babbett Willis
Fax: 404-657-4338
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (404) 463-2748
Note: A very limited number of Lodging Scholarships are available to district coordinators and community partners.
Please share the attached announcement and registration form with your coalitions and community partners.
This workshop is provided by the Georgia Department of Public Health and the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities.
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