Articles on Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative
Posted by on October 26, 2009
The latest issue of Metropolitan Universities Journal (MUJ) issue 20.2 August 2009, features 9 articles from the Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative, a CCPH initiative supported by a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) in the US Department of Education. The Collaborative focused on building capacity for community-engaged scholarship in higher educational institutions, with an explicit focus on the faculty promotion and tenure system. We especially thank MUJ Executive Editor Barbara Holland who suggested we pursue the theme issue as one strategy for widely disseminating the important work and accomplishments of the Collaborative.
By special arrangement with the journal, we are pleased to be able to share two articles from the issue as attached PDFs:
*The Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative: A National Change Initiative Focused on Faculty Roles and Rewards
*Why Faculty Promotion and Tenure Matters to Community Partners
The titles and authors for all nine articles appear below. Single issues may be purchased on the journal website at CCPH has also negotiated a CCPH member discount on subscriptions to the journal (details will be sent to members by email).
For more information about the Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative, visit
For more information about the FIPSE-funded Faculty for the Engaged Campus initiative that grew from the Collaborative and is currently underway, visit
To stay on top of community-engaged scholarship (CES) news, conferences and funding opportunities, subscribe to CCPH’s CES listserv at
Metropolitan Universities Journal, Issue 20.2 August 2009
Articles from the Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative
The Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative: A National Change Initiative Focused on Faculty Roles and Rewards
Sarena Seifer, Kristine Wong, Sherril Gelmon and Miriam Lederer
Evaluating the Accomplishments of the Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health Collaborative
Sherril Gelmon, Miriam Lederer, Sarena Seifer, and Kristine Wong
Models for Faculty Development: What Does It Take to be a Community-Engaged Scholar?
Lynn W. Blanchard, Chris Hanssmann, Ronald P. Strauss, Juan Carlos Belliard, Kathleen Krichbaum, Emily Waters, and Sarena Seifer
The Community-Engaged Scholarship Review, Promotion, and Tenure Package: A Guide for Faculty and Committee Members
Catherine M. Jordan, Kristine A. Wong, Paul W. Jungnickel, Yvonne A. Joosten, Rebecca C. Leugers and Sharon L. Shields
The package is available at
Why Faculty Promotion and Tenure Matters to Community Partners
Elmer Freeman, Susan Gust and Deborah Aloshen
Re-Framing Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Documents to Facilitate the Transformation of Service-Learning Pedagogy to Community-Engaged Scholarship
Rebecca Leugers, Tina Whalen, Sarah Couch, Elizabeth King and JoAnne Prendeville
Applying Kotter’s Model of Change to Sustaining Community-Engaged Scholarship within a School of Public Health and its Parent University
Juan Carlos Belliard and David T. Dyjack
Community-Engaged Scholarship in Higher Education and Expanding Experience
Judith A. Ramaley
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