Applications for Educator Professional Development – Jul 15
Posted by NEA Foundation on June 16, 2020
NEA Foundation Invites Applications for Educator Professional Development
Established in 1969, the NEA Foundation serves as a laboratory of learning, offering funding and other resources to public school educators, their schools, and districts to solve complex teaching and learning challenges. The foundation advances student success by investing in public education that prepares each of America’s children to learn and thrive in a rapidly changing world.
In response to educators’ emerging needs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the NEA Foundation is inviting applications for COVID-19 Response – Learning & Leadership grants. Through the program, grants of either $2,000 or $5,000 will be awarded in support of professional development focused on adapting teaching and learning to the unique challenges of the 2020-21 school year. Successful projects will identify clear professional learning goals associated with serving students during the school year. Particular attention should be given to identifying and addressing pertinent educational equity and opportunity gaps exacerbated by the pandemic.
Eligible applicants must be a current member of NEA and be a teacher, education support professional, or specialized instructional support personnel. Education support professionals (ESPs) are defined by the foundation as: paraeducators; school bus drivers, or other transportation staff; custodial and maintenance staff food services staff school nurses, health aides and other health and student services staff; clerical staff; security staff; skilled trades staff; and technical services staff. Specialized instructional support personnel (SISP) include professionals such as school counselors, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, library media specialists, speech pathologists, and others.
See the NEA Foundation website for complete program guidelines and application instructions.
Deadline: July 15, 2020
Learn more and apply:
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