Application Deadline Extended for the Institute on ePortfolios – Apr 21
Posted by American Association of Colleges and Universities on April 7, 2020
Application deadline: April 21, 2020
About the Institute
In collaboration with AAEEBL and NASPA, the new AAC&U Institute on ePortfolios offers a yearlong opportunity for teams of faculty, staff, and administrators to expand ePortfolio use beyond a single course or major. The institute offers unparalleled support for large-scale ePortfolio adoptions, whether for general education purposes or to capture the full range of the undergraduate experience. The inaugural institute will kick off July 20–23, 2020, and teams will continue to engage via in-person and virtual interactions throughout the 2020–21 academic year. With ongoing support and guidance from institute faculty, each team will develop and implement a plan to bridge curricular and/or co-curricular learning and broaden student engagement with ePortfolios.
Who Should Attend?
The Institute on ePortfolios is designed to serve campuses, state systems, and consortia at every stage in the process of thinking through ePortfolio approaches and issues emerging from their particular needs and circumstances. Each team should be composed of a diverse set of colleagues and may include a senior academic officer, faculty members, learning technologies professionals, student affairs leaders, assessment and curriculum specialists, and others engaged in advancing ePortfolios, student learning, and student success. Although not restricted in size, a typical team consists of five individuals.
To expand the use of ePortfolios, each team will
- articulate a clear, compelling, and communicable purpose for the ePortfolio initiative under development or expansion;
- discern evidence-based, theory-to-practice models that connect research and scholarship with effective approaches to developing and utilizing ePortfolios for high-impact learning, programmatic assessment, and/or professional development;
- identify collaborators and form key partnerships with those who can broaden the argument for resources, support, and adoption of ePortfolios;
- utilize evidence-based diffusion of innovation and leadership strategies to increase the probability of successfully scaling the ePortfolio initiative; and
- create an ePortfolio action plan for implementation, along with measurable benchmarks for charting success.
Institute details:
Apply here:
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