Posted by ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge on August 25, 2020
ALL IN to Vote is a free, one-stop shop for campuses and students to navigate the voting process. This nonpartisan tool was developed by the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge in partnership with the creative agency Big Spaceship to help college students navigate the voting process. ALL IN to Vote covers all 50 states and Washington, DC and is powered in partnership with and BallotReady’s CivicEngine.
ALL IN to Vote is a Free Tool to Help Students:
- Register to vote
- Confirm their voter registration status
- Determine how and where to vote
- Learn about what is on their ballot
- Encourage their friends to vote
- Pledge to vote and compete in our campus leaderboard pledge competition!
The resources in the Toolkit include:
Faculty and Classroom Integration Tools
Building a Faculty Champion Program on Your Campus Toolkit
Learning Management System Voting Module Templates (e.g. Canvas, Blackboard, etc)
Training and Recruitment Tools
Training Presentation Template
Ask Every Student Conversation Guide
Organizing Volunteers Guidebook (Coming Soon)
Walking Students Through the Process
Civic Engagement and Voter Intake Packet
State Specific Student Voter Walkthrough Template
Digital Connection + COVID-19 Resources
2020 Voter Registration Scenarios
Navigating Digital Voter Guides and Civic Technology
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Spotlights of replicable tactics and models that AES campuses are implementing this Fall.
Campus Created Resource Spotlights
We hope that you’ll share this important resource with your students before and on National Voter Registration Day (September 22) so that they are #ALLINtoVote on Election Day!
Learn more about how ALL IN to vote works:
See our one-pager outlining the resource here:
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