Afterschool Group Leader (Part-Time), Fab Youth Philly
Posted by Fab Youth Philly on March 8, 2022
Fab Youth Philly is seeking to hire a skilled, passionate youth development professional, maker, facilitator, or educator to join our team! The prospective Group Leader should have experience working in fast-paced afterschool/Out-of-School Time (OST) programming and should have experience, and a passion for working with high school aged youth. This position requires people to be available in-person for 20 hours per week. Programming takes place at our West Philly (Mantua/Belmont) and North Philly (Kensington) locations, so the Group Leader must be able to work in both locations. There will be a set schedule and hours are typically Monday-Thursday between 3-6:30pm; there may be some Fridays 5-8pm and some Saturdays.
Responsibilities include the following but are not limited to:
- (40%) Supervision & engagement: Support the teens to effectively do their job as a Play Captain and/or a Safety Captain; (be trained in and use) Real-time-coaching to provide feedback to teens;
correspondence and relationship building with caregivers and other stakeholders. - (30%) Planning: Contribute to projects including developing workshops, lessons, and other activities related to youth programs.
- (25%) Co/facilitation Co-facilitate or facilitate workshops on various topics alongside Youth Program Supervisor and other Fab Youth Philly staff.
- (5%) Admin: Complete and submit timesheets, work with Youth Programs Assistant and Manager of
Operations to manage youth files. Uphold COVID-19 and other safety protocols.
More in "Job Opportunities/AmeriCorps Opportunities"
- Program Coordinator, Barnes Foundation
- Development & Communications Manager, SAADA
- Development Manager, Fab Youth Philly
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